cash in my pocket造句
- I walked out of that Harlem club with the biggest wad of cash in my pocket.
- It helps me to get reacquainted with crowds, new music and gives me a little cash in my pocket.
- He was " very angry " about the production on " Cash in My Pocket " and " Summertime ".
- I always had a nice car while I was in college . { hellip } I always had cash in my pocket.
- That way, when I walked into a house, I could tell the seller I already had the cash in my pocket.
- On this trip, I left the U . S . with but little more than $ 100 cash in my pocket _ and that ATM card.
- Perhaps best known as the " voice " on Ronson's 2007 hit'Stop Me'or Wiley's Cash In My Pocket, ".
- "I would go down to Bogota to do some cocaine story, " he recalled, " and I'd be given six, seven thousand dollars cash in my pocket as bribe money to get where I had to go ."
- I was unaware of it because I had enough cash in my pocket to pay the fare, so imagine my surprise when an hour later I got an e-mail message from my uncle in California telling me someone had found the wallet and had left her phone number.
- "I've finally got some relief, " said Fedele, of Nashua, N . H . " If I don't have cash in my pocket I don't buy anything and it's a great feeling, " he said.
- It's difficult to see cash in my pocket in a sentence. 用cash in my pocket造句挺难的
- In other words ( I think ) money in cash in my pocket I can freely spend any time, where as to spend money deposited in the bank, some one else has to pay back a loan first . ( I know that bank are required to keep a minimum of deposits on hand in cash, but not all of it . . .)
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